Julya Rabinowich, born in St Petersburg in 1970. Uprooted in 1977 and emigrated to Vienna.

In 1993-93 she studied interpreting at the University of Vienna. In 1996-98 she completed her propaedeutic and in 1998-2006 she studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, specialising in painting and philosophy.

In 2003 she won the literature prize “schreiben zwischen den kulturen” (writing between cultures) and since then she has published her texts in numerous anthologies.
In 2008, her debut novel “Spaltkopf” was published by edition exil.

As part of the WIENER WORSTAETTEN, she wrote the play “Tagfinsternis”, which premiered in 2013 at the Landestheater St. Pölten under the direction of Markus Schleinzer.

Reading sample
