Katrin Diehl comes from Mannheim. She studied all sorts of things, including at the “Hochschule für jüdische Studien” in Heidelberg. She also attended the German School of Journalism in Munich and did her Doctorate. As a freelance journalist she works for print and radio in the areas of “people” and culture and reports on stories from Munich for the “Jüdische Allgemeine Wochenzeitung”. Furthermore she writes, also including plays. “Das Postamt” (“The Post Office”) is being staged at Munich’s HochX, a play that gives an insight into the Warsaw ghetto. “du oder ich – tot” (“you or me – dead”) takes us into the mind of a man who has run amok at the Munich Studiobühne. Their group “Stegreif” breaks into schools with non-educational 20-minute plays and confuses pupils and teachers alike. Teachers a little more. Additionally, she conducts a poetry course for the blind.

In 2020, Katrin Diehl took part in the Tour des Textes.